Diplomathon - Best High School Award

Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir has won the 'Best High School Award' at the Diplomathon Global World Symposium Event! This mega event had over 1000 students from 30 schools participating. Congratulations to all the students and their mentors! Here’s a list of achievements of our SSRVM champs in different committees: Primary:

  • SDG 4
    • Best Delegate: Advaith Nair
    • High Commendation: Preksha Desai Secondary:
  1. Internet Association
    • Verbal Mention: Shikhar Kamath
    • Special Mention: Prasann Joshi
    • High Commendation: Rudra Kamat
  2. Common Wealth
    • Best Delegate: Ishan Kelkar
  3. ASEAN
    • Special Mention: Vaibhavraj
  4. Association For International Education
    • High Commendation: Ishika Yellore
  5. IHRA
    • Verbal Mention: Prisha Nair
    • High Commendation: Aayushi Dike
    • Best Delegate: Aarush Padhye
  6. World Bank
    • High Commendation: Krishay Nirmal
    • Special Mention: Jeenalsree Varmani
  7. BRICS
    • High Commendation: Vedant Badkas
    • Best Delegate: Chaitanya Gokhale
  8. WHO-2
    • Best Delegate: Dhruv Lachhani
  9. UNFAO
    • High Commendation: Kavya Majmudar
  10. UNSC
    • Verbal Mention: Shrey Thakoor
  11. World Economic Forum
    • Verbal Mention: Manit Desai
    • Verbal Mention: Anirudh Mandhania
  12. G-20
    • Special Mention: Swaroop Dwivedi
  13. WSA
    • Special Mention: Jay Mehta
  14. FIFA 1
    • High Commendation: Ayansh Chaulkar
Diplomathon - Best High School Award

Diplomathon - Best High School Award

Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir has won the 'Best High School Award' at the Diplomathon Global World Symposium Event! This mega event had over 1000 students from 30 schools participating. Congratulations to all the students and their mentors! Here’s a list of achievements of our SSRVM champs in different committees: Primary:

  • SDG 4
    • Best Delegate: Advaith Nair
    • High Commendation: Preksha Desai Secondary:
  1. Internet Association
    • Verbal Mention: Shikhar Kamath
    • Special Mention: Prasann Joshi
    • High Commendation: Rudra Kamat
  2. Common Wealth
    • Best Delegate: Ishan Kelkar
  3. ASEAN
    • Special Mention: Vaibhavraj
  4. Association For International Education
    • High Commendation: Ishika Yellore
  5. IHRA
    • Verbal Mention: Prisha Nair
    • High Commendation: Aayushi Dike
    • Best Delegate: Aarush Padhye
  6. World Bank
    • High Commendation: Krishay Nirmal
    • Special Mention: Jeenalsree Varmani
  7. BRICS
    • High Commendation: Vedant Badkas
    • Best Delegate: Chaitanya Gokhale
  8. WHO-2
    • Best Delegate: Dhruv Lachhani
  9. UNFAO
    • High Commendation: Kavya Majmudar
  10. UNSC
    • Verbal Mention: Shrey Thakoor
  11. World Economic Forum
    • Verbal Mention: Manit Desai
    • Verbal Mention: Anirudh Mandhania
  12. G-20
    • Special Mention: Swaroop Dwivedi
  13. WSA
    • Special Mention: Jay Mehta
  14. FIFA 1
    • High Commendation: Ayansh Chaulkar